
金必煌 副教授


A.      期刊論文

1.       陳冠臻,金必煌,吳金山.20159), 市場導向、社群顧客關係管理 與經營績效之研究。行銷評論,12(4),395-425

2.      Bih-Huang Jin, Chun-Yu Chu. ( 2015 ) The Value Creation Model of Patent Market Intermediaries. Global Journal of Business Research,Volume 9, Number 2(EconLit) 

3.       Bih-Huang Jin,Chih-Yun Wu,Yu-Tzu Liao (2015, Jan). How does social capital work in regional innovation systems? The moderating role of contract design. Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 5(1),1-14. (EconLit,ABI/INFORM).

4.       Bih-Huang Jin, Chih-Yun Wu,Chin-Jou Huang (2015, Jan). Transactive memory systems: a catalyst for the cooperation of industries, universities and research institutions in regional innovation systems. International Business Research,8(1),163-172. (EconLit).

5.       金必煌,朱純瑜(201412月)。專利市場中介角色演化與商業模式。創新管理評論,5(1),1-20

6.       金必煌,李威昇(201407月)。自行車產業平台形成與演化。東海管理評論,16(1),113-140

7.      Bih-Huang Jin, Tzuhui Cheng, Hung-pin Shih (2013),“The Study of Positive and Negative Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Goal-Directed and Impulsive Buying Behavior”, Electronic Commerce Studies, Vol. 11, Issue 1, 5-28

8.      Bih-Huang Jin, Yung-Ming Li (2012),”Analysis of Emerging Technology Adoption for Digital Content Market: A Strategic Perspective”Information Technology and Management (SSCI, 2012 Impact Factor 3.025) ,Vol 13,Number 3,149-165

9.      Yung-Ming Li, Yuan Fang, Bih-Huang Jin* (2012),”Analyzing Monetization Models for Digital Content Markets: Content Ownership and Contract Design”, Lectures Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol. 108 , 195-201, 2012 (EI)

10.  Hung-Pin Shih, Bih-Huang Jin(2011),” Driving goal-directed and experiential online shopping”Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce(SCI, 2010 Impact Factor 0.793)Vol. 21, Issue 2,136-157, 2011

11.  Jen-Hung Huang, Chyan Yang, Bih-Huang Jin, Hero Chiu (2004),”Measuring Satisfaction with Business-to-employee benefit systems”, Computers In Human Behavior (SSCI, Impact factor 1.344) Vol. 20,Issue 1,Jan,2004

12.  Jen-Hung Huang, Chyan Yang, Bih-Huang Jin (2004), ”Satisfaction with Business to Employee Benefit Systems and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors”,International Journal of Manpower(SSCI) Vol. 25, Issue 2, 2004

13.  楊千、金必煌,性別對員工福利系統滿意度之影響 (2003),交大管理學報(TSSCI), Vol.23, No.1, pp 1-26.

14.    Chih-Tung HsiaoJin Bih-HuangHero ChiuChyan Yang(2001),企業集團內部創業模式-以宏碁集團為例,Journal of Information, Technology and Society中央警察大學『資訊、科技與社會』學報 Vol 1

B.      主編之專書


1.      金必煌、鄭永洸譯(1998),精通Microsoft Works 3,Cowart, Robert松崗出版社.

2.      金必煌、鍾秀培譯(1997),微軟Power Point 97鑑定課程, Catapult, Inc松格資訊

3.      金必煌、徐文復譯(1997),微軟Word 97鑑定課程,Catapult, Inc松格資訊

4.      金必煌、林章鈞著(1996)Power Point 7.0 魔幻寶典,弘宇出版社

5.      金必煌(1996),從範例學Excel / Visual Basic For Windows 95,Capapult松格出版社

6.      金必煌、鄭永洸編譯(1995),精通INTERNET松崗出版社。

7.      金必煌、鄭永洸、林大為著(1995)PowerPoint 4.0中文版全觀,松崗出版社

8.      金必煌(1995)Visual Basic 4.0遊戲魔法寶典, Maark Pruett松崗出版社


C.      研討會論文

1.      Jin, B. H., Li, Y. M., & Li, Z. W. (2018). Study on Crowdfunding Patterns and Factors in Different Phases.

2.      Jin, B. H., Li, Y. M., & Liu, T. W. (2018, March). Feasibility and Development Analysis of P2P Online Lending Platforms in Taiwan. In World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (pp. 82-91). Springer, Cham.

3.      Hwang, T. K., Jin, B. H., Li, Y. M., & Lee, S. J. (2018, March). Mobile Sharing Platform Operation Model and System Dynamic Analysis: Uber and Taiwan Taxi as Examples. In World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (pp. 978-988). Springer, Cham.

4.      Hwang, T. K., Li, Y. M., & Jin, B. H. (2016). A Nearby Expert Discovering Mechanism: For Social Support. In New Advances in Information Systems and Technologies (pp. 943-949). Springer, Cham.

5.      Jin, B. H., & Li, Y. M. (2015, August). A Strategic Analysis of Digital Publishing Provision. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2015 (p. 27). ACM.

6.      Bih-Huang Jin, Yu-Chen Chien (2014, Jul). A strategic analysis of competition between the “Software-as-a-Service” Business Models and conventional software providers. International Business Research, Economics, Finance and MIS Conference , Okinawa.

7.      金必煌,吳祉芸,翁瑞敏(201407月)。免費增值商業模式之付費因素-以手機APP遊戲為例 ICIM201425屆國際資訊管理學術研討會 (最佳論文),中興大學

8.      Bih-huang Jin, Yia-chu Hsieh (2013, Nov). Business Models for Multi-sided Platform Strategy: Open or Closed. The Third Asian Business & Management Conference, Osaka, Japan. 

9.      Wei-Sheng Lee,Bih-Huang Jin (2013, Jul). Formation and Development Strategies of Industry Platform. International Conference on Business And Information, Bali.

10.  Bih-Huang Jin, Chien-Tzu Tsai, Chun-Mao Chan, Chih-Yun Wu (2012, Jul). Exploring critical factors of developing cross domain intermediary of regional innovation Systems: a case study of central Taiwan industrial clusters. PICMET 2012 (EI).

11.  Bih-Huang Jin, Chin-Jou Huang, Chih-Yun Wu, Chien-Tzu Tsai (2012, Jul). Inter-organizational cooperation in regional innovation systems: A catalyst of transactive memory systems. PICMET 2012 (EI).

12.  Bih-Huang Jin, Yu-Tzu Liao, Chien-Tzu Tsai, Chih-Yun Wu (2012, Jul). How does social capital work in regional innovation systems? The moderating roles of contract design and innovation potential. PICMET 2012 (EI).

13.  Bih-Huang JinChun-Yu Chu(2011)Patent Market Design” Paper presented at International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT), 2011, Florida, USA

14.  Yung-Ming Li, Yuan Fang, Bih-Huang Jin,(2011)” Analyzing Monetization Models for Digital Content Markets: Content Ownership and Contract Design”, Paper presented at The Tenth Workshop on E-Business (WEB 2011), Shanghai, China, 2011

15.  金必煌,朱純瑜,許萬龍,(2010)”專利市場之中介角色演化與鎖住機制”, 第六屆跨領域管理學術暨實務研討會,May 2010,東海大學,台中

16.  金必煌,朱純瑜,(2010)” 專利市場中介角色價值創造模式 2010中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會

17.  金必煌,蕭雅芬,蕭惠華,(2010)"美律實業邁向百億的成長", 2010管理實務個案研討會,台北,德明財經科技大學

18.  方修忠,許純瑜鍾明書,金必煌,郭瑞申,(2007)”美國WiMAX產業發展提供我國M-Taiwan產業政策之借鑑,經濟部技術處跨領域科技管理研習班海外培訓成果發表會,Oct 2007

19.  Huang Jen-Hung, Chyan Yang, Bih-Huang Jin ,(2002) "Gender Differences in Satisfaction with Business-to-Emplotee Benefits System"ASSOCIATION of MANAGEMENT(AoM)CONFERENCE 2002

20.  Chyan Yang, Bih-Huang Jin, Chen-Hua Fu,(1998)“A Comparative Study of Layer 3 Switches”, 第九屆國際資訊管理學術研討會,1998

21.  Chyan Yang, Chen-Hua Fu, Bih-Huang Jin ,Shin-Ray Lee,(1998)"How A Business Survives from IP Address Shortage", The Internaional Symposium on Internet Technolopy, ISIT 98 Proceedings,1998,pp. 206-265.